Animal Ethics
Animal Ethics was formed to provide information and promote discussion and debate about issues in animal ethics, and to provide resources for animal advocates.
Detailed information on the data regarding the situation of nonhuman animals as well as on the arguments to defend animals is not always available, and they intend to provide it to all those who want to help them. In addition, they do outreach work theirselves aimed not at stopping particular ways in which animals are harmed (which other organizations are already addressing), but at achieving a shift in attitudes towards speciesism.
Animal Ethics
Outreach and research in defense of animals.
About Animal Ethics
Animal Ethics was formed to provide information and promote discussion and debate about issues in animal ethics, and to provide resources for animal advocates.
Detailed information on the data regarding the situation of nonhuman animals as well as on the arguments to defend animals is not always available, and they intend to provide it to all those who want to help them. In addition, they do outreach work theirselves aimed not at stopping particular ways in which animals are harmed (which other organizations are already addressing), but at achieving a shift in attitudes towards speciesism.
Animal Ethics Mission
Their work deals with the way nonhuman animals are considered in everyday life, as well as how they are considered in fields that affect human attitudes and activities that are relevant to animals. These include academia, scientific fields, and the law. They look at the way nonhuman animals are impacted by current human activities, and how they might be impacted by future planned or unplanned human activities. This involves not only the ways they might harm them, but also how they might help them even when the cause of their plight is not human action.
Animal Ethics
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Animal Ethics will be included in the next donation batch from April to June (Q2 2020). If you would like to make a direct bitcoin donation to RNLI Lifeboats please visit: https://www.animal-ethics.org/cryptocurrencies/
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All donations are initially received in the Bitpay account of the Donate a Bit foundation. Once a month these donations are transferred to the charity organizations. Before transferring we contact these organizations to make sure that their bitcoin wallet is still available and that they have still access to it.
For more information please visit: Donate Bitcoin through Donate a Bit explanation
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