Ende Gelände
Ende Gelände is a broad alliance of people from the anti-nuclear and anti-coal movements, the Rhineland and Lausitz climate camps and the Hambacher Forest anti-coal campaign. They are from grassroots climate action groups, large environmental organisations, left political groups and many other campaigns, groups and networks.
Ende Gelände
Stop Coal. Protect The Climate.
About Ende Gelände
Ende Gelände is a broad alliance of people from the anti-nuclear and anti-coal movements, the Rhineland and Lausitz climate camps and the Hambacher Forest anti-coal campaign. They are from grassroots climate action groups, large environmental organisations, left political groups and many other campaigns, groups and networks.
They all share the belief that to stop climate change they need to take action ourselves, using civil disobedience as a powerful signal for real action to put our climate before profit.

Ende Gelände
(no address)
Donate Bitcoin through Donate a Bit to Ende Gelände:2
Ende Gelände will be included in the next donation batch from April to June (Q2 2020). If you would like to make a direct bitcoin donation to Ende Gelände please visit: https://www.ende-gelaende.org/en/donations/donating-bitcoins/
Find Ende Gelände also on:

Donate Bitcoin through Donate a Bit explanation:
All donations are initially received in the Bitpay account of the Donate a Bit foundation. Once a month these donations are transferred to the charity organizations. Before transferring we contact these organizations to make sure that their bitcoin wallet is still available and that they have still access to it.
For more information please visit: Donate Bitcoin through Donate a Bit explanation
New text and material:
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