Malaria kills half a million people every year and 400 million fall ill. Before bed nets were made available, it was three or more times that. Nets are a proven intervention – a more effective a way of saving lives than any other. There is still a long way to go and every death from malaria is preventable.
The relief of suffering from malaria by the provision of funds for the prevention and treatment of malaria and the advancement of education in the subjects of a: The problems and suffering caused by malaria and b: What can be done to alleviate them.”
Aigainst Malaria promise 100% of the money they receive buys long-lasting insecticidal nets and they are put up over heads and beds and they will demonstrate that has happened.
Against Malaria fund anti-malaria nets, specifically long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs), and work with distribution partners to ensure they are used. We track and report on net use and malaria case data.[
Donate Bitcoin directly to Against Malaria:
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