Dementia Society of America (D)
Dementia Society of America is the United States leading volunteer-driven all-Dementias awareness organization. They provides an information hotline, many online resources and an easy-to-use, web-based locator, which can assist families and individuals in finding valuable support near to them.
Dementia Society of America underwrites through its Ginny Gives Program, non-medical activities focused on: music and singing; dance and movement; the visual arts, touch, and sensory stimulation. The Dementia CARE, Dementia SMART, and Dementia QUEST Programs provide recognition to those who serve the Dementia community through meaningful care, innovation and research respectively.
Dementia Society of America
…We know you matter.
About Dementia Society of America
Dementia Society of America is the United States leading volunteer-driven all-Dementias awareness organization. They provides an information hotline, many online resources and an easy-to-use, web-based locator, which can assist families and individuals in finding valuable support near to them.
The organisation underwrites through its Ginny Gives Program, non-medical activities focused on: music and singing; dance and movement; the visual arts, touch, and sensory stimulation. The Dementia CARE, Dementia SMART, and Dementia QUEST Programs provide recognition to those who serve the Dementia community through meaningful care, innovation and research respectively.
Dementia Society of America Misssion
To enhance the quality of life for those living with Dementia, caregivers, and the community!
Dementia education can help people living with these conditions, their families and caregivers. It’s their goal to present resources and programs that can make a difference in your life, and other people’s lives.
Educate. To significantly raise the awareness and decrease the stigma in America to the spectrum of conditions collectively known as Dementia, through education. Knowledge is the first step towards understanding Dementia. It’s important for people to get the information they need so they can cope with the challenges these diseases create.
Provide. To make available, non-medical, easy-to-understand Dementia awareness materials and resources for individuals, small businesses, larger corporations, civic organizations and communities-at-large. To provide monthly quality-of-life programs within continuing care communities and in public Dementia-friendly forums, that emphasize meaningful therapies for those living with Dementia, and their caregivers. These educational programs can be a lifeline for many people who are looking for ways to enrich the lives of men and women living with the disease.
Recognize. To encourage those who: provide exemplary Dementia caregiving, counseling, engagement and even nutritional support; develop prevention initiatives; and create innovative products, services, and solutions.
Dementia Society of America believes that every American, and each employer in the United States, should know the facts about Dementia.

Dementia Society of America
PO Box 600
Pennsylvania 18901
United States
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