Tidepool is a nonprofit organization committed to providing free software for the diabetes community to get the most out of their diabetes devices.
Tidepool Loop is hybrid closed loop system for your iPhone and Apple Watch currently in development by Tidepool. Based on the do-it-yourself Loop app, Tidepool Loop will be FDA-reviewed and officially supported by Tidepool. It will work with commercially available insulin pumps and CGMs.
Connected data leads to better decision-making
About Tidepool
Tidepool is a nonprofit organization committed to providing free software for the diabetes community to get the most out of their diabetes devices.
Tidepool Loop is hybrid closed loop system for your iPhone and Apple Watch currently in development by Tidepool. Based on the do-it-yourself Loop app, Tidepool Loop will be FDA-reviewed and officially supported by Tidepool. It will work with commercially available insulin pumps and CGMs.
Tidepool Mission
Their mission is to make diabetes data more accessible, actionable, and meaningful for people with diabetes, their care teams, and researchers.
Their commitment is, first and foremost, to the diabetes community
Many of Tidepool live with or care for someone with diabetes, and all of Tidepool are passionate advocates. They believe that together, their data is stronger and more meaningful. They are working to empower the next generation of diabetes innovation.
Being an open source project provides a level of transparency that keeps us accountable to the diabetes community and the broader healthcare industry. This means everything about how they work — their code, their regulatory quality system, and their project and product management tools — are all open to the public.
Tidepool is supported by public foundations and private grant-making foundations like JDRF, the Goldsmith Foundation, and the Helmsley Charitable Trust, as well as individual donations. Along with grants they receive, the revenue they generate from dataset licensing and their Software as a Service (SaaS) model for researchers and diabetes innovators allows them to provide free software to people living with diabetes and their care teams.

555 Bryant Street
Palo Alto
Calefornia 94301
United States
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On behalf of everyone at Tidepool, thank you so much for your bitcoin donation. Your generous support helps us continue our mission of liberating data from diabetes devices, and providing great, free software to the diabetes community.
Christopher Snider | Community Mananger | Tidepool
Donate Bitcoin through Donate a Bit explanation:
All donations are initially received in the Bitpay account of the Donate a Bit foundation. Once a month these donations are transferred to the charity organizations. Before transferring we contact these organizations to make sure that their bitcoin wallet is still available and that they have still access to it.
For more information please visit: Donate Bitcoin through Donate a Bit explanation
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