UNICEF New Zealand
No other organisation has UNICEF’s experience, expertise and reach. Every child is born with fundamental human rights, but conflict, disease, exploitation and poor education keep millions of children from reaching their full potential. UNICEF fights for every child’s right to survive and thrive into adulthood.
UNICEF’s mission is to create a better world, by advocating for the protection of children’s rights. To do this, they bring people together: governments, donors, humanitarian agencies, businesses and children themselves. This is what UNICEF does, every day, for all children around the world. They want health, education, a fair go and protection, for every child.
UNICEF New Zealand helps not just one child, but all children in need. Their history shows that humanity can improve over time.
UNICEF New Zealand
For every child, food
About UNICEF New Zealand
No other organisation has UNICEF’s experience, expertise and reach. Every child is born with fundamental human rights, but conflict, disease, exploitation and poor education keep millions of children from reaching their full potential. UNICEF fights for every child’s right to survive and thrive into adulthood.
UNICEF’s mission is to create a better world, by advocating for the protection of children’s rights. To do this, they bring people together: governments, donors, humanitarian agencies, businesses and children themselves. This is what UNICEF does, every day, for all children around the world. They want health, education, a fair go and protection, for every child.
UNICEF New Zealand helps not just one child, but all children in need. Their history shows that humanity can improve over time.
UNICEF New Zealand Mission
UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs, and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential

UNICEF New Zealand
Level 1
PSA House
11 Aurora Terrace
New Zealand
Phone: +64048159370
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