Willow House
Willow House is a non-profit organization dedicated to the needs of grieving children and their families. They are recognized as a leader in the field of children’s grief locally and nationally. Peer support group services are provided in four locations, Arlington Heights, Chicago, Libertyville and Bannockburn, including a group for children and families grieving a suicide death and a unique expressive arts group.
Willow House
Where Hope Lives & Healing Begins.
About Willow House
Willow House is a non-profit organization dedicated to the needs of grieving children and their families. They are recognized as a leader in the field of children’s grief locally and nationally. Peer support group services are provided in four locations, Arlington Heights, Chicago, Libertyville and Bannockburn, including a group for children and families grieving a suicide death and a unique expressive arts group.
Since 1998, They have been the ‘go-to’ program in the greater Chicago area, called upon to help young grieving families, school communities and others in crisis as they cope with death. In 2001, the FBI requested that Willow House provide support to Chicago area families grieving the death of a loved one killed on September 11th.
They provided direct services to hundreds of families each year. Thousands more have been served by school and community outreach programs that span the entire Chicago region, from the far south suburbs of Chicago to the Wisconsin border and beyond.
Willow House Mission
The mission of Willow House is to develop and provide supportive services for children, teens, families, schools and communities who are coping with grief and the death of a loved one.

Willow House
2231 Lakeside Drive
Illinois 60015
United States
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